
Scaling & Root Planing

What is Scaling & Root Planing?

Root planing and scaling is one of the most effective ways to treat gingivitis, gum disease, before it becomes severe.

Dental Scaling removes plaque and tartar from your teeth and promotes gum health. Normally, this scaling process is performed along with a procedure known as root planing, smoothing the rough spots on the roots of the teeth that can harbor bacteria which can lead to gum disease.

Scaling and root planing cause very little discomfort. We use specialized tools to remove the hardened deposits of plaque buildup (tartar) from the teeth both above and below the gum line.

After a scaling and planing, you can expect that your gums will be a little tender. But if you maintain a consistent oral health routine of twice-daily tooth brushing and daily flossing, your gums should quickly regain a firm, healthy, pink appearance.